Case Histories

The following case histories from Teachers and pupils of the Method have been gathered since 1995. These pages are periodically updated with new histories: Let us know if you have a story you want to share of your experience with the Method.

Zapping That Squint!

Squint, Age 34

It was very sudden. I was having my second squint operation on my right eye when I was told my mother had died. I felt numb with shock. I was only six years old.

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Better Eyesight Without Glasses For Me

Short-sighted, Age 12

The next week she gave me a new exercise, ‘sunning’. I found this exercise very relaxing and helpful and I did it before my ‘palming’. It was quite difficult at first to find time to do sunning and palming, but after a while it became a set routine which rarely slipped.

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Bates Method Impressions

Presbyopia, Age 28

With great delicacy, my Bates teacher drew my attention to those aspects of my character that seemed to be impeding the process. The muscles of the eye are like all muscles, they flex and change and respond.

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Seeing is Believing

Short-sight and Presbyopia, Age late 50s

It became very clear to me that I had been hiding behind my glasses for many years. Since then I haven’t worn my glasses any more. I waited for headaches or tired eyes when I was at work in the City of London, but everything was fine.

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Presbyopia and Dry Eyes

Presbyopia and Dry Eyes, Age 70

I have been practising the Bates Method for about seven months now and I am amazed at the improvement in my eyesight. Before I began using the technique, my eyes were often sore and bloodshot and I seemed to have become so sensitive.

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