Space & Depth Video

Space & Depth

Chances are high, if you're reading this . . .
you've been looking at your screen way too long!

Notice first,

the general feeling

of depth.

Space & Depth

video gif from bees & bombs

Here is a quick visual treat to help free you from screen fatigue.

'Relax . . .'

. . . there is space beween you and everything else.

Screens are flat, static, and two dimensional. With constant use the eyes and mind can become so familiar with this way of 2D seeing, that the experience feels normal. In fact it is very unusual, and it tires the eyes.

3D perception for the eye and mind, is the aim of this vision game. When we used to live among forests and other natural terrain, our environment was full of an infinite number of varying depths, and it is in this 3D-rich state that the eyes and mind flourish.

  • Start the video and notice first the general feeling of depth. Let your mind really wake up to the 3D. Blink softly as you look, breathe easily.
  • After a minute or so, stop the video, close your eyes and relax.

The sensation of depth is both a function of the eye, and an experience of the mind. You don't even need to use both eyes. Try this out:

  • Block off one eye with your hand, and start the video again.
  • Notice your mind creates the experience and enjoyment of three dimensional depth perception. Switch to the other eye.

Many people find that simply observing the movement and depth with both eyes singly and together is both mentally and visually relaxing.

Start the video again, relax and let go as you look into the space, and try this:

  • Pick one of the slow moving dots and follow it, tracking with your eyes.
  • If your dot moves off the picture, just choose another. There are a few dots that slowly move right across the image.
  • Notice your dot moves further into the depth as it travels to the right. Remember that this depth is created by your mind.
  • Once you're at ease following a dot, be aware of the movement elsewhere in the image. Notice that where you are looking - at your dot - is a different thing from where you are not looking - all the movement of the other dots.
  • Let your peripheral awareness expand further, to the edges of the screen and even to the depths in the surrounding space, behind your screen.
  • Close your eyes, and relax. Check that you are still breathing easily. Repeat the steps above as often as you wish.
  • Once again look at the impression of the entire image noticing it's three-dimensional quality. Really give your mind the time it needs to understand it. Relax.
  • Finally, break free from the screen and look around your environment. This is genuine 3D. Your eyes will be choosing a centre, notice where that is and let the impression of the whole picture reach your mind. If you make any movements with your body or your head you might notice that the 3D quality is enhanced; you can see the perspective changes in real time, with objects looking like they are moving in relation to each other. Relax as you look, breathe easily.

Note: some people will find this easy to do and for others it is more of a challenge. Just try it out gently and patiently and come back to it later if you find it difficult.

The Swings

One of the best ways of helping the eyes and mind to relax is to consciously allow perception of movement in the world around you.

Learn More

The world moves.
Let it move.
All objects move
if you let them.

Thumbnail image of Dr William H. Bates

Wm H Bates

Better Eyesight Magazines, July 1920

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